Another idea (or 2)

Frank Ellermann Frank.Ellermann at
Thu Jun 12 00:37:07 CEST 2003

Leroy Quet wrote:

> 1) Maybe there can be a special "input 2-d array" or "input
> triangular/rectangular table" button, sending EIS users to an
> input-field which allows 2-dimensional input, instead of the
> current 1-d-only input.

For some SeqFans probably unnecessary, because they have tools
to format new sequences in internal format (?)  On my personal
wish list "send a comment for THIS sequence" would come before
new arrays... ;-)  And you could not run superseeker before the
submission with a new "submit array" form, this would require
an automatical dupe-filter...

> This input-option would work either way.

...maybe an "input 2D-array" form could create simple sequences
ready for a lookup.  Or better, maybe superseeker could check
input given as 2D-array rows, and return "raw" internal format.

> perhaps a 2-d OUTPUT would be useful for showing 2-d arrays.

What's the difference to the existing "tabl" formats ?

> 2) Perhaps the EIS might someday allow for the input of
> rationals.

In my script collection only one tries to create rationals with
some weird rounding tricks for x = y / 11!  In theory you could
transform a string of rationals locally (on your system) into a
boolean n(1),n(2),n(3),... OR d(1),d(2),d(3),... OEIS lookup -
with JavaScript, Java, NetRexx, or a similar language (PHP ?)

                       Bye, Frank

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