[seqfan] Re: A019318 ? (Sorry - figured it out.)

r.shepherd r.shepherd at prodigy.net
Tue May 27 15:10:19 CEST 2003

{I see just now that A019318 has already been revised;  much of
the following still applies though}.

From: "Brendan McKay" <bdm at cs.anu.edu.au>
Sent: Tuesday, May 27, 2003 3:52 AM

> I agree with you about "queens", that really must go.  I suggest
> "Inequivalent ways of choosing n squares of an n x n chessboard,
> considering rotations and reflections."

...but why do away with queens without doing away with the
chessboard also?  More generally, another suggestion would be
"Distinct ways of placing n identical objects in an n x n array,
disregarding rotations and reflections."  (or choosing, if you
prefer).  "considering" confuses me;  don't you mean "disregarding"?
(I'm not sure what standard terminology would be, though, and
I'm still counting positions to make sure.).  Also, of course,
same thing can be said about n^2-n objects.

FWIW, I think the application of the results to a chessboard
is natural  (and should, therefore, still be mentioned):  If one is
trying to solve a non-attacking pieces problem, this result helps
make sure no positions are overlooked (or counted twice).

Even more generally, is a corresponding result for n x n x n
in the OEIS?  Does a similarly nice formula exist  (My
memory fails me about Burnside's lemma) for 3-D (and

> It should be a piece of cake to find an exact formula using
> Burnside's Lemma, but I'll give someone else the pleasure.

As Jim Nastos mentioned, the author of the sequence,
Mario Velucchi, gave a formula.  Using it, later today I
plan to submit a simple PARI program and some more terms
of the sequence that I found last night.

It'll look something like this:




General question:  Does the absence of the "more" keyword
on a sequence mean that more terms are not desired?

> Brendan.

Rick Shepherd

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