Needed: gaps between large primes

Pfoertner, Hugo Hugo.Pfoertner at
Mon Nov 3 14:33:49 CET 2003

Dear Marian,

you asked Neil Sloane for examples of gaps between large prime numbers to
programs developed by yourself and your students.
It's extremely easy to create such numbers using OpenPFGW
which was available at ,
but this address currently? seems to be offline.
OpenPFGW can handle numbers of several 10000 digits.
Here are the first entries: (differences computed with Excel)

            Primes                             Gap

        39+         10^20            129        90
       129+         10^20            151        22
       151+         10^20            193        42
       193+         10^20            207        14
       207+         10^20            301        94
       301+         10^20            349        48
       349+         10^20            361        12
       361+         10^20            391        30
       391+         10^20            393         2
       393+         10^20            441        48
       441+         10^20            477        36
       477+         10^20            547        70
       547+         10^20            559        12
       559+         10^20            561         2
       561+         10^20            721       160
       721+         10^20            741        20
       741+         10^20            753        12
       753+         10^20            757         4
       757+         10^20            763         6
       763+         10^20            801        38
       801+         10^20            853        52
       853+         10^20            961       108
       961+         10^20            993        32
       993+         10^20           1071        78
      1071+         10^20           1107        36
      1107+         10^20           1119        12
      1119+         10^20           1141        22
      1141+         10^20           1197        56
      1197+         10^20           1221        24
      1221+         10^20           1243        22
      1243+         10^20           1261        18
      1261+         10^20           1267         6
      1267+         10^20           1303        36
      1303+         10^20           1323        20
      1323+         10^20           1387        64
      1387+         10^20           1521       134
      1521+         10^20           1537        16
      1537+         10^20           1567        30
      1567+         10^20           1597        30
      1597+         10^20           1633        36
      1633+         10^20           1663        30
      1663+         10^20           1677        14
      1677+         10^20           1821       144
      1821+         10^20           1827         6
      1827+         10^20           1893        66
      1893+         10^20           1921        28
      1921+         10^20           1977        56
      1977+         10^20           1983         6
      1983+         10^20           2013        30
      2013+         10^20           2073        60
      2073+         10^20           2187       114
      2187+         10^20           2277        90
      2277+         10^20           2317        40
      2317+         10^20           2349        32
      2349+         10^20           2479       130
      2479+         10^20           2493        14
      2493+         10^20           2559        66
      2559+         10^20           2607        48
      2607+         10^20           2659        52
      2659+         10^20           2667         8
      2667+         10^20           2691        24
      2691+         10^20           2697         6
      2697+         10^20           2817       120
      2817+         10^20           2829        12
      2829+         10^20           2871        42
      2871+         10^20           2913        42
      2913+         10^20           2967        54
      2967+         10^20           2983        16
      2983+         10^20           3003        20
      3003+         10^20           3051        48
      3051+         10^20           3087        36
      3087+         10^20           3097        10
      3097+         10^20           3103         6
      3103+         10^20           3121        18
      3121+         10^20           3129         8
      3129+         10^20           3247       118
      3247+         10^20           3307        60
      3307+         10^20           3313         6
      3313+         10^20           3327        14
      3327+         10^20           3363        36
      3363+         10^20           3367         4
      3367+         10^20           3381        14
      3381+         10^20           3429        48
      3429+         10^20           3457        28
      3457+         10^20           3483        26
      3483+         10^20           3499        16
      3499+         10^20           3577        78
      3577+         10^20           3847       270
      3847+         10^20           3867        20
      3867+         10^20           3903        36
      3903+         10^20           3931        28
      3931+         10^20           3961        30
      3961+         10^20           4143       182
      4143+         10^20           4159        16
      4159+         10^20           4237        78
      4237+         10^20           4239         2
      4239+         10^20           4249        10
      4249+         10^20           4291        42
      4291+         10^20           4329        38
      4329+         10^20           4357        28
      4357+         10^20           4477       120
      4477+         10^20           4491        14
      4491+         10^20           4503        12
      4503+         10^20           4519        16
      4519+         10^20           4533        14
      4533+         10^20           4539         6
      4539+         10^20           4617        78
      4617+         10^20           4647        30
      4647+         10^20           4731        84
      4731+         10^20           4843       112
      4843+         10^20           4857        14
      4857+         10^20           4893        36
      4893+         10^20           4953        60
      4953+         10^20           4987        34
      4987+         10^20           5053        66

If you need more just write, but I recommend to get one
of the available programs and to consult the Prime Pages: giving a lot of
information and links.

Best regards
Hugo Pfoertner 

-----Ursprüngliche Nachricht-----
Von: N. J. A. Sloane [mailto:njas at]
Gesendet am: 03 November, 2003 13:40
An: seqfan at
Cc: njas at
Betreff: Needed: gaps between large primes

Dear SeqFans,  I got the following message from someone
in Poland - a teacher who needs help. He (I think from
the word endings the author is a man) would like
a list of gaps between successive primes for primes
with 20 digits or more.

Can someone help him?  Let M = 10^20.  Can someone produce
the sequence 

prime(k+1)-prime(k) , k=M..M+100    (say),

and send it to him?  If you can help please post a message here to
avoid duplication of effort - and please send me a copy.


Neil Sloane

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