Permanents and determinants of (0,1) matrices

Meeussen Wouter (bkarnd) wouter.meeussen at
Mon Nov 3 17:02:10 CET 2003

Aha, a pro at work! nice!

can you also do something similar with
the row-and-column sorted (0,1) matrices?

What happens to the graph when you swap two rows
or two columns?
the explanations in
do not *instantaneously* pierce my ignorence.

(double 'U' at half speed..)

-----Original Message-----
From: Gordon Royle [mailto:gordon at]
Sent: maandag 3 november 2003 15:55
To: EIS fans; all at
Subject: Re: Permanents and determinants of (0,1) matrices

>Actually,  I think that large computer power is not needed..

	(applause is heard..)

>Add it all up and in less than 30 seconds cpu time we get the values

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