New book: Mathematical Constants

Olivier Gerard ogerard at
Wed Sep 10 23:37:37 CEST 2003

Message from the Administrator.

Steven is not a member of seqfan, but his project on mathematical
constants is well known and has often links with integer sequences.

I am glad to see that after so many practical and legal troubles his
book is now available.

One may regret its price, which is rather high,
but this is not the only mathematical book in that
case. Anyway, a very extensive and valuable resource,
concentrating many unexpected links between almost
every domain of mathematics.

Please find attached his recent announcement for
your information.



From: Steven Finch <sfinch9 at>
Subject: New book: Mathematical Constants
Organization: University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign


I am pleased to announce the publication of my book, "Mathematical 
Constants", by Cambridge University Press (2003), ISBN 0-521-81805-2.  It 
is an encyclopedia bursting with information and over 600 pages long.  A 
table of contents and two sample essays are available (in PDF) at:

where one may also order a copy for $95.  My website:

has three additional sample essays from the book, as well as supplementary 
materials (which will continue to expand as time passes).

Cambridge has done a beautiful job in producing my book.  It is far more 
encompassing and detailed than my website ever was.  By the way, please 
note my new e-mail address.  My old e-mail address (at MathSoft) should no 
longer be used.

As far as I know, there is no book like this!  The breadth and depth of the 
coverage, as well as many exotic topics (e.g., from statistical mechanics 
and theoretical computer science) and unsolved problems, should make 
"Mathematical Constants" a joy to read.  Thank you!

Steve Finch

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