[SeqFan] Re: your mail has a nasty attachment

Antti Karttunen Antti.Karttunen at iki.fi
Fri Apr 30 07:26:56 CEST 2004

On Wed, 28 Apr 2004, wouter meeussen wrote:
 > Date: Wed, 28 Apr 2004 00:02:34 +0200
 > From: wouter meeussen <wouter.meeussen at pandora.be>
 > To: Antti Karttunen <Antti.Karttunen at iki.fi>
 > Subject: your mail has a nasty attachment
 > dear Antti,
 > Norton AntiVirus says:
 > Bron: Information.vbs
 > Attachment = Information.vbs is ge?nfecteerd met virus W32.Beagle.W at mm.
 > Spring Cleaning Time?
It's from somebody else (with 99.99999% probability ;-), because I don't
use any Windows machine for reading or sending my mails, but just
this primitive elm/pine combination on NetBSD Unix, or sometimes
Mozilla 1.7 on my work Linux machine.
I also have received an increasing number of virus mails purporting
to come from well-known members of SeqFan-list. I guess somebody's
Windows computer on this list has been infected, and it fakes
the mails it sends as being from other members of the list,
whose (names and) mail addresses presumably are on the infected machine's
address books.
Some of these latest are quite devilish, actually.
Windows-users, beware of the latest which says that the whole mail
couldn't been delivered, and by clicking that and that URL, you can
see it in its  entirety. The link, although outwardly looking like it
leads to "your own inbox" at your own ISP/mail-server provider,
really contains some CID-stuff, which I guess activates the
virus enclosed as an .scr attachment. I just received
one claiming to be from a well-known contributor of OEIS.



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