Prime Permutation

y.kohmoto zbi74583 at
Fri Aug 13 11:54:08 CEST 2004

    Neil :

    Thanks for adding my sequences on OEIS.

    Comment lines of A096450 should be as follows :

    %C A096450 If prime(n-1) = +1 or +2 mod 5 is on k-th row then we put
prime(n) on (k-1)-st row.
    %C A096450 If prime(n-1) = -1 or -2 mod 5 is on k-th row then we put
prime(n) on (k+1)-st row.

    "+2" and "-2" are lacked.

    I tried to rewrite the definition.
    It is a little mathematic, but I think the first one is much easier to
understand that it becomes an array.

    %S A096447 3, 7, 19, 43,
    %N A096447 Prime(m) : Sum {Sgn(Prime(k)) , k=2 to m-1}=0
                Where the function Sgn(p) is defined as follows :
                If  p= 1 , mod 4, then Sgn(p)=-1
                If  p=-1 , mod 4, then Sgn(p)= 1
    %e A096447 The case  m=4 : Sum {Sgn(Prime(k)) , k=2 to
4-1}=Sgn(Prime(2))+Sgn(Prime(3))=Sgn(3)+Sgn(5)=1+(-1)=0 : So, Prime(4)=7 is
on the sequence.

    %K A096447 nonn
    %O A096447 3, 1


    "OEIS 100K Party" is a good idea!!
    I don't feel I send my photo, because a friend of mine once said "You
looks like a phantom."

    If I will get a good photo, I might send it.

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