Bernoulli/Genocchi numbers

Ralf Stephan ralf at
Fri Feb 6 11:15:23 CET 2004

First, I must retract my statement---Monsieur Cloitre has convinced me
privately that the Genocchi numbers indeed have relations to v2(2n)%2.
Secondly, I want to make more precise the statement that G(2k+1)/(2k+1)
have relations to other sequences by giving a comment on A090681
which I ask Neil Sloane to add to the database:

%I A090681
%S A090681 1,1,31,5461,3202291,4722116521,14717667114151,86125672563201181,
%C A090681 Conjecture: a(n) = |A012670(n)/2^(6n+1)| = A012853(n)/2^(4n+1).
%Y A090681 A002425(2n+1).

PS: yes, that would mean A012853(8) being wrong, can someone verify?

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