faql Re: Terms and Terms Differences -> 1,2,3,4,...

Ralf Stephan ralf at ark.in-berlin.de
Mon May 3 09:03:52 CEST 2004

with such sequences, you always have to search for several possible
sequences, depending on offset choice. This

> Let a(1) = 1;
> Let a(m+1) =
> a(m) +(number of elements of {a(1),a(2),..a(m)} which are <= m)
> (figured by hand)
> 1, 2, 4, 6, 9, 12, 16, 20, 29, 34, 39,..

...(if one adds the missing 24) turns out to be A001463 + 1,
the partial sums of Golomb's sequence A001462.

I would ask Neil to add to the FAQl

Q: I looked for a sequence and it is not in the database.
A: Really? Please try the same numbers plus and minus one.
   From experience, this catches a lot of misses. Also, if
   you are searching for a number array or an asymmetric
   triangle, look up its mirror image, too.


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