A missing sequence from group theory?

N. J. A. Sloane njas at research.att.com
Wed Nov 17 22:23:32 CET 2004

To MathFun and SeqFans:

A possibly new sequence? Could someone calculate it?

Let t(G) = no. of unitary factors of the abelian group G, and let

       T(n) = Sum t(G)

taken over all abelian groups of order <= n.

There are several papers giving estimates for T(n), e.g.

    T(x) = c_1 x (log x + 2 gamma - 1) + c_2 x + ...

My question is, how does the sequence T(n) begin?

References and definitions follow, from MSN.


MR1850168 Zhai, Wen Guang On the average number of unitary factors of
finite abelian groups. II [MR1813450 (2001j:11092)]. (Chinese)  Acta
Math. Sinica  44  (2001),  no. 4, 667--672. 11N45

MR1813450 (2001j:11092) Zhai, Wenguang On the average number of unitary
factors of finite abelian groups. II. Acta Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.) 16
(2000), no. 4, 549--554. (Reviewer: R. C. Baker) 11N45 (11L07 20K01)

MR1641042 (99e:11124) Zhai, Wenguang; Cao, Xiaodong On the average
number of unitary factors of finite abelian groups. Acta Arith. 85
(1998), no. 4, 293--300. (Reviewer: R. C. Baker) 11N45

MR1613290 (99f:11124) Wu, J. On the average number of unitary factors
of finite abelian groups. Acta Arith. 84 (1998), no. 1, 17--29.
(Reviewer: R. C. Baker) 11N45 (11L07 20K01)

1225427 (94k:11108) Schmidt, Peter Georg(D-MRBG) Zur Anzahl unitrer
Faktoren abelscher Gruppen. (German) [On the number of unitary factors
in abelian groups] Acta Arith. 64 (1993), no. 3, 237--248.
Part of this review follows:
Let $\scr A$ denote the set of all abelian groups. Under the operation
of direct product, $\scr A$ is a semigroup with identity element $E$,
the group with one element. $G_1$ and $G_2$ are relatively prime
(German: teilerfremd) if the only common direct factor of $G_1$ and
$G_2$ is $E$. We say that $G_1$ and $G_2$ are unitary factors of $G$ if
$G=G_1\times G_2$ and $G_1,G_2$ are relatively prime. Let $t(G)$ denote
the number of unitary factors of $G$, and let $T(x)=\sum_{G\in {\scr
A}, |G|\le x} t(G).$ There are constants $A,B,$ and $C$ such that
$\Delta(x)\colon =H(x)-Ax\log x - Bx -C\sqrt x=o(\sqrt x).$ In this
paper, the author shows that $\Delta(x)\ll x^{3/8} \log^{7/2}x.$ The
previous best estimate for $\Delta(x)$ had been $\Delta(x)\ll x^{31/82}
\log^2 x$; this was given by H. Menzer \ref["Exponentialsummen und
verallgemeinerte Teilerprobleme", Habilitationsschrift,
Friedrich-Schiller-Univ., Jena, 1992; per bibl.].

Further references from the Wu (1998) paper:
Many accented letters have been dropped!

# R. C. Baker and G. Harman,  Numbers with a large prime factor, Acta
Arith. 73 (1995), 119--145. MR1358192 (97a:11138) 

# E. Cohen, On the
average number of direct factors of a finite abelian group, ibid. 6
(1960), 159--173. MR0118764 (22 #9535) 

# E. Fouvry and H. Iwaniec,
Exponential sums with monomials, J. Number Theory 33 (1989), 311--333.
MR1027058 (91b:11097) 

# S. W. Graham and G. Kolesnik, Van der Corput's
Method of Exponential Sums, Cambridge Univ. Press, Cambridge, 1991.
MR1145488 (92k:11082) 

# C. H. Jia, The distribution of square-free
numbers, Sci. China Ser. A 36 (1993), 154--169. MR1223084 (94f:11095) 

# G. Kolesnik, On the number of abelian groups of a given order, J. Reine
Angew. Math. 329 (1981), 164--175. MR0636451 (83b:10055) 

# E. Krtzel,
On the average number of direct factors of a finite abelian group, Acta
Arith. 51 (1988), 369--379. MR0971087 (89m:11091) 

# H.-Q. Liu, The
greatest prime factor of the integers in an interval, ibid. 65 (1993),
302--328. MR1259341 (95d:11117) 

# H.-Q. Liu, On some divisor problems,
ibid. 68 (1994), 193--200. MR1305200 (96a:11089) 

# H.-Q. Liu, Divisor
problems of 4 and 3 dimensions, ibid. 73 (1995), 249--269. MR1364462

# P. G. Schmidt, Zur Anzahl unit\"arer Faktoren abelscher
Gruppen, ibid. 64 (1993), 237--248. MR1225427 (94k:11108) 

# P. Sargos
and J. Wu, Multiple exponential sums with monomials and their
applications in number theory, Prpublications 97/ n37 de l'Institut lie
Cartan, Universit Henri Poincar (Nancy 1).  

# J. Wu, On the
distribution of square-full and cube-full integers, Monatsh. Math., to
appear. cf. MR1657818 (2000a:11125)

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