Observations on A100004

T. D. Noe noe at sspectra.com
Mon Nov 8 17:03:01 CET 2004

>It appears that, taking A100004:
>a(n) = (-1/n), where (k/n) is the Kronecker symbol
>and replacing +1 with 0 and -1 with 1, we obtain A038189:
>Bit to left of least significant bit in binary expansion of n.

I believe A038189 is misnamed.  It says the a(24) = 1, but 24 in binary is
11000, so we should have a(24) = 0.  The comment says it is the
characteristic function of A092130, which is also false.  The formula also
is not consistent with the description:  a(2n) = a(n)??  Something is amiss


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