An example taken from the new "sequences window" of FAMP

creigh at creigh at
Mon Oct 18 00:17:05 CEST 2004

Dear Seqfans, 

Below is the new "sequences window" from an updated (beta) version of FAMP. 
The example given was the first found connecting the floretions
to Fibonnaci numbers without using one of the "Emmy's three" floretions; 
instead, it uses a (also quite special) floretion from "Chu's group".  Just 
to mention two sequences, see for ex. "jesseq" for N*H or "achuseq" for 
H*N, below (actually, it appears there is a whole mosaic of such connections 
if one also takes, for example, bisections of the sequences into account). 

Does anyone understand the posseq/negseq of N*H? Unfortunately, I 
don't. It would also be nice to hear if anyone has a suggestion for new 
symmetries (especially dynamic ones, as described in my last post). 
If I include your symmetry, I will, of course, credit you in the program. 



Results for the floretion:  N*H


 0.0'i - 1.5'j - 1.0'k + 0.0i' + 1.0j' - 1.0k' + 0.0'ii' - 0.5'jj' + 0.0'kk' 
- 1.0'ij' - 1.0'ik' - 0.5'ji' - 0.5'jk' + 1.0'ki' + 0.0'kj' + 0.0e 


N = 0.0 'i + 1.5 'j + 1.0 'k - 1.0 i' + 0.0 j' + 1.0 k' - 1.0 'ii' + 0.5 
'jj' + 0.0 'kk' + 1.0 'ij' - 1.0 'ik' + 0.5 'ji' + 0.5 'jk' + 1.0 'ki' -

'kj' + 0.0 e
H = .5 'i + .5 'ii' + .5 'ij' + .5 'ik' + 
Invariant to swap operator: no, as it does not commute with the floretion: 'ii' 
+ 'jj' + 'kk' - 1
N commutes with H: no
 ****************************  Static Symmetries  

 (squaring symmetries:) 
 vesseq: -5, -4, 15, 11, -40, -29, 105, 76, -275, -199, 720, 521, -1885, -1364, 
4935, 3571 
 2tesseq: 0, -3, 0, 7, 0, -18, 0, 47, 0, -123, 0, 322, 0, -843, 0, 2207 
 2lesseq: -5, 0, 20, 0, -55, 0, 145, 0, -380, 0, 995, 0, -2605, 0, 6820, 
 2jesseq: -5, -5, 10, 15, -25, -40, 65, 105, -170, -275, 445, 720, -1165, -1885, 
3050, 4935 
 identity: ves = jes + les + tes  
 (Emmy's Three, subgroup symmetries:) 
 em[I]seq: -1, -1, 4, 2, -11, -5, 29, 13, -76, -34, 199, 89, -521, -233, 1364, 
 em[I*]seq: -4, -3, 11, 9, -29, -24, 76, 63, -199, -165, 521, 432, -1364, 
-1131, 3571, 2961
 em[J]seq: -4, -4, 14, 11, -38, -29, 100, 76, -262, -199, 686, 521, -1796, -1364, 
4702, 3571 
 em[J*]seq: -1, 0, 1, 0, -2, 0, 5, 0, -13, 0, 34, 0, -89, 0, 233, 0
 em[K]seq: -1, -2, 1, 5, -2, -13, 5, 34, -13, -89, 34, 233, -89, -610, 233, 
 em[K*]seq: -4, -2, 14, 6, -38, -16, 100, 42, -262, -110, 686, 288, -1796, 
-754, 4702, 1974
 2famseq: -1, -3, 4, 7, -11, -18, 29, 47, -76, -123, 199, 322, -521, -843, 
1364, 2207
 2fam*seq: -9, -5, 26, 15, -69, -40, 181, 105, -474, -275, 1241, 720, -3249, 
-1885, 8506, 4935 
 identities: em[I] + em[J] + em[K] = 2*fam + ves  
 em[I] + em[I*] = em[J] + em[J*] = em[K] + em[K*] = fam + fam* = ves  
 (Chu's group, subgroup symmetries, incomplete:) 
 2chuseq: -9, -6, 32, 18, -87, -48, 229, 126, -600, -330, 1571, 864, -4113, 
-2262, 10768, 5922 
 2(signed)chuseq: -9, -8, 36, 24, -99, -64, 261, 168, -684, -440, 1791, 
1152, -4689, -3016, 12276, 7896 
 2chutesseq: -9, -9, 32, 25, -87, -66, 229, 173, -600, -453, 1571, 1186, 
-4113, -3105, 10768, 8129 
 2achuseq: -1, 1, -2, -3, 7, 8, -19, -21, 50, 55, -131, -144, 343, 377, 
-898, -987 
 ****************************  Dynamic Symmetries  

 2posseq: 4, 7, 48, 43, 50, 56, 342, 299, 346, 385, 2346, 2050, 2372, 2639, 
16080, 14051 
 2negseq: -14, -15, -18, -21, -130, -114, -132, -147, -896, -783, -906, 
-1008, -6142, -5367, -6210, -6909 
 identity: pos + neq = ves  
 Results for the floretion:  H*N


 0.0'i + 1.5'j + 1.0'k - 1.0i' + 0.0j' + 1.0k' - 1.0'ii' + 0.5'jj' + 0.0'kk' 
+ 0.0'ij' - 1.0'ik' + 0.5'ji' + 0.5'jk' + 0.0'ki' - 1.0'kj' + 0.0e 


N = 0.0 'i + 1.5 'j + 1.0 'k - 1.0 i' + 0.0 j' + 1.0 k' - 1.0 'ii' + 0.5 
'jj' + 0.0 'kk' + 1.0 'ij' - 1.0 'ik' + 0.5 'ji' + 0.5 'jk' + 1.0 'ki' -

'kj' + 0.0 e
H = .5 'i + .5 'ii' + .5 'ij' + .5 'ik' + 
Invariant to swap operator: no, as it does not commute with the floretion: 'ii' 
+ 'jj' + 'kk' - 1
N commutes with H: no
 ****************************  Static Symmetries  

 (squaring symmetries:) 
 vesseq: 1, -4, -7, 11, 20, -29, -53, 76, 139, -199, -364, 521, 953, -1364, 
-2495, 3571 
 2tesseq: 0, -3, 0, 7, 0, -18, 0, 47, 0, -123, 0, 322, 0, -843, 0, 2207 
 2lesseq: -3, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, -9, 0, 24, 0, -63, 0, 165, 0, -432, 0 
 2jesseq: 5, -5, -14, 15, 37, -40, -97, 105, 254, -275, -665, 720, 1741, 
-1885, -4558, 4935 
 identity: ves = jes + les + tes  
 (Emmy's Three, subgroup symmetries:) 
 em[I]seq: -2, 0, 4, -1, -10, 3, 26, -8, -68, 21, 178, -55, -466, 144, 1220, 
 em[I*]seq: 3, -4, -11, 12, 30, -32, -79, 84, 207, -220, -542, 576, 1419, 
-1508, -3715, 3948
 em[J]seq: 2, -2, -10, 5, 28, -13, -74, 34, 194, -89, -508, 233, 1330, -610, 
-3482, 1597 
 em[J*]seq: -1, -2, 3, 6, -8, -16, 21, 42, -55, -110, 144, 288, -377, -754, 
987, 1974
 em[K]seq: 0, -1, -1, 2, 3, -5, -8, 13, 21, -34, -55, 89, 144, -233, -377, 
 em[K*]seq: 1, -3, -6, 9, 17, -24, -45, 63, 118, -165, -309, 432, 809, -1131, 
-2118, 2961
 2famseq: -1, 1, 0, -5, 1, 14, -3, -37, 8, 97, -21, -254, 55, 665, -144, -1741
 2fam*seq: 3, -9, -14, 27, 39, -72, -103, 189, 270, -495, -707, 1296, 1851, 
-3393, -4846, 8883 
 identities: em[I] + em[J] + em[K] = 2*fam + ves  
 em[I] + em[I*] = em[J] + em[J*] = em[K] + em[K*] = fam + fam* = ves  
 (Chu's group, subgroup symmetries, incomplete:) 
 2chuseq: 3, -6, -16, 18, 45, -48, -119, 126, 312, -330, -817, 864, 2139, 
-2262, -5600, 5922 
 2(signed)chuseq: 7, 0, -28, 0, 77, 0, -203, 0, 532, 0, -1393, 0, 3647, 
0, -9548, 0 
 2chutesseq: 3, -9, -16, 25, 45, -66, -119, 173, 312, -453, -817, 1186, 
2139, -3105, -5600, 8129 
 2achuseq: -1, 1, 2, -3, -5, 8, 13, -21, -34, 55, 89, -144, -233, 377, 
610, -987 
 ****************************  Dynamic Symmetries  

 2posseq: 10, 7, 26, 43, 110, 56, 184, 299, 760, 385, 1262, 2050, 5210, 2639, 
8650, 14051 
 2negseq: -8, -15, -40, -21, -70, -114, -290, -147, -482, -783, -1990, 
-1008, -3304, -5367, -13640, -6909 
 identity: pos + neq = ves  

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