How many

Olivier Gerard ogerard at
Mon Sep 13 15:12:34 CEST 2004

Bonjour Eric,

A mailing list is not an oracle for all questions, I am
afraid. Sometimes questions can require significant work
or can come months after the original post.

Administering and particpating to several mailing lists, 
I can tell you that number of subscribers does not
matter much on how quick you get a valuable answer
about what you ask.  Most members are just silent

Seqfan has currently a little more than 220 members,
rising slowly each month. Its maximum membership
has been 307 but it was severely impacted by two flame
wars in previous years.


Le 13, Eric Angelini écrivait:
> BTW, I've not received any single response to my last
> week's question about the definition of a "slowest
> increasing sequence" : how many are we on this list ?
> Regards,
> É.

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