"logarithmetic" sequences

Gerald McGarvey Gerald.McGarvey at comcast.net
Thu Apr 14 20:04:56 CEST 2005

Here are some relevant links:

(A086436 and A001222 are the same except for the first term.)


At 04:24 PM 4/12/2005, Marc LeBrun wrote:
>Speaking of multiplicative sequences, ie those that (perhaps with 
>conditions) obey
>   a(mn) = a(m) a(n)
>I was wondering what might be said for sequences that instead satisfy
>   a(mn) = a(m) + a(n)
>which might be called "log-arithmetic" (or "logarithm-etic" if you prefer) 
>by analogy with regular logs.
>Have these been discussed here before?  Is there any standard name for them?
>Of course, as with their multiplicative cousins, logarithmetic sequences 
>can be generated by their prime-power index subsequence.
>So by summing f(p^e) for various easy f we get A001221, A001222, A056169, 
>A001414, and A008472 for instance.
>Generalizing + to g(.) we can further posit "factorization-defined" sequences
>   a(n) = g(f(p1^e1),f(p2^e2),...)
>for various f & g, and even imagine superseekeresque detection of 
>them.  (And even more generally, to use other unique expansions).
>More practically, if someone has the wherewithal to crunch the database, 
>it might be interesting to simply collect all the existing instances of 
>candidate logarithmetic sequences, since there seem to be quite a few.
>It might be even more immediately useful to check for any entries 
>potentially missing their "mult" keywords.
>(Just to guiltily throw a few more suggestions onto the endless pile!)

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