Marc LeBrun mlb at
Mon Apr 25 23:56:02 CEST 2005

 >=N. J. A. Sloane
 > I think that it would be best to hold off any discussion
 > of XML-formatting until the database is interfaced with
 > an SQL-type query language.  Some of my colleagues have
 > promised to help with this.

Apologies to those not interested in this noise.  Permit me a brief 
attempted disentanglement of two related but confused subjects:

   1. Encapsulating OEIS-related information in an XML format.

   2. Converting the OEIS database to a more query-able DB, whether XML or not.

Right now, I just want to propose that some of us seqfans might begin to 
profitably discuss and experiment with #1--the use of OEIS-friendly XML 
schemas--without getting too deep into how the official OEIS database is 
ultimately implemented.  For instance:

   * Proposed schemas for OEIS data can be prototyped and refined 
collaboratively without impacting NJAS &co.  That experience would then be 
available to inform any eventual official DB conversion.

   * Web services based on common XML schemas can be used to deliver new 
functionality beyond the scope of the OEIS per se.  Thus the community 
could add value in the form of interoperable web services while avoiding 
burdening the OEIS servers and/or maintainers.

 > But I don't have much time to spare for that project right now.

Right, so I hope discussion will continue among the self-selected eMail 
participants by CCing ourselves (omitting NJAS & SEQFAN) until we have 
something more substantial to contribute.

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