Equilateral triangles in lattice cube

Pfoertner, Hugo Hugo.Pfoertner at muc.mtu.de
Mon Feb 7 17:27:23 CET 2005

-----Original Message-----
From: Joshua Zucker [mailto:joshua.zucker at gmail.com] 
Sent: Friday, February 04, 2005 23:01
To: seqfan at ext.jussieu.fr
Subject: Equilateral triangles in lattice cube

Hi folks,
I just submitted the following to OEIS.
My algorithm for calculating the terms is complete brute force and
will take a while to run to get even 1 more term ...
can anyone help me with more terms, or with an idea for a faster algorithm?

--Joshua Zucker

%S A000001 8, 80, 368, 1264, 3448, 7792
%N A000001 Equilateral triangles in the lattice cube of side length n.
%D A000001 Inspired by problem 25 on the 2005 AMC-12A mathematics
competition, which asked for a(2).
%e A000001 a(1) = 8 because in the unit cube, equilateral triangles
are formed by cutting off any one of the 8 corners.
a(2) = 80 because there are 8 unit cubes with 8 each, 8 larger
triangles (analogous to the 8 in the unit cube, but twice as big), and
also 8 triangles of side length sqrt(6).
%O A000001 1
%K A000001 ,more,nonn,
%A A000001 Joshua Zucker (joshua.zucker at stanfordalumni.org), Feb 04 2005

Within a few minutes I got:

8, 80, 368, 1264, 3448, 7792, 16176, 30696, 54216, 90104, 143576,
220328, 326680, 471232

Why not also count other kinds of triangles? I've extended my program by a
few more counts.

All possible triangles, isosceles, equilateral, acute, obtuse, right:

 n=           1
 alltri:                    56 /4=   14
 isoscl:                    32 /4=   8
 equila:                     8 /8=   1
 acute:                      8 /4=   2
 obtuse:                     0 /4=   0
 righta:                    48 /12=   4

 n=           2
 alltri:                  2876 /4=   719
 isoscl:                   776 /4=   194
 equila:                    80 /8=   10
 acute:                    776 /4=   194
 obtuse:                   744 /4=   186
 righta:                  1356 /12=   113

 n=           3
 alltri:                 41288 /4=   10322
 isoscl:                  6440 /4=   1610
 equila:                   368 /8=   46
 acute:                  13736 /4=   3434
 obtuse:                 15240 /4=   3810
 righta:                 12312 /12=   1026

 n=           4
 alltri:                315892 /4=   78973
 isoscl:                 33628 /4=   8407
 equila:                  1264 /8=   158
 acute:                 117424 /4=   29356
 obtuse:                135192 /4=   33798
 righta:                 63276 /12=   5273

 n=           5
 alltri:               1650592 /4=   412648
 isoscl:                128008 /4=   32002
 equila:                  3448 /8=   431
 acute:                 648760 /4=   162190
 obtuse:                759792 /4=   189948
 righta:                242040 /12=   20170

 n=           6
 alltri:               6649600 /4=   1662400
 isoscl:                392764 /4=   98191
 equila:                  7792 /8=   974
 acute:                2718616 /4=   679654
 obtuse:               3200112 /4=   800028
 righta:                730872 /12=   60906

 n=           7
 alltri:              22191264 /4=   5547816
 isoscl:               1017144 /4=   254286
 equila:                 16176 /8=   2022
 acute:                9295512 /4=   2323878
 obtuse:              10978176 /4=   2744544
 righta:               1917576 /12=   159798

 n=           8
 alltri:              64186416 /4=   16046604
 isoscl:               2386860 /4=   596715
 equila:                 30696 /8=   3837
 acute:               27358380 /4=   6839595
 obtuse:              32372892 /4=   8093223
 righta:               4455144 /12=   371262

 n=           9
 alltri:             165900888 /4=   41475222
 isoscl:               5068512 /4=   1267128
 equila:                 54216 /8=   6777
 acute:               71639688 /4=   17909922
 obtuse:              84809520 /4=   21202380
 righta:               9451680 /12=   787640

 n=          10
 alltri:             391539788 /4=   97884947
 isoscl:              10025144 /4=   2506286
 equila:                 90104 /8=   11263
 acute:              170702204 /4=   42675551
 obtuse:             202227828 /4=   50556957
 righta:              18609756 /12=   1550813

 n=          11
 alltri:             857341952 /4=   214335488
 isoscl:              18586664 /4=   4646666
 equila:                143576 /8=   17947
 acute:              376501424 /4=   94125356
 obtuse:             446244600 /4=   111561150
 righta:              34595928 /12=   2882994

 n=          12
 alltri:            1762885484 /4=   440721371
 isoscl:              32959628 /4=   8239907
 equila:                220328 /8=   27541
 acute:              778772960 /4=   194693240
 obtuse:             923116344 /4=   230779086
 righta:              60996180 /12=   5083015

 n=          13
 alltri:            3435925528 /4=   858981382
 isoscl:              55781800 /4=   13945450
 equila:                326680 /8=   40835
 acute:             1524857800 /4=   381214450
 obtuse:            1807742040 /4=   451935510
 righta:             103325688 /12=   8610474

Without web access today I didn't look up anything in the OEIS, so we have
to check if some or all of this stuff is already in the database. I don't
know if the preferred form is to remove common factors as indicated in the
last column.

My algorithm is also "brute force". The only "trick" is the usual
"equivalence" construct between the 3-d and 1-d addressing of the lattice
points, which allows an easy traversal through all 3-tuples of distinct
points. There seem to be gradations in brutality ;-). 
The Fortran program is attached at the end of this e-mail.

Hugo Pfoertner


C Count number of different sorts of triangles that can be formed
C using the points in an (n+1) X (n+1) X (n+1) lattice cube.
C Problem by Joshua Zucker in Seqfan mailing list
C (for equilateral triangles)
C Hugo Pfoertner http://www.pfoertner.org/
C Feb 7, 2005
      implicit integer (a-z)
      logical needle
      integer*8 alltri, isoscl, equila, acute, obtuse, righta
      parameter (n=13,n3=(n+1)*(n+1)*(n+1))
      dimension x(n3), y(n3), z(n3),
     &          xx(0:n,0:n,0:n),
     &          yy(0:n,0:n,0:n),
     &          zz(0:n,0:n,0:n)
      equivalence (x,xx),(y,yy),(z,zz)
C set coordinates
      do 10 ix = 0, n
      do 10 iy = 0, n
      do 10 iz = 0, n
      xx(ix,iy,iz) = ix
      yy(ix,iy,iz) = iy
      zz(ix,iy,iz) = iz
10    continue
C Preset counters for different kinds of triangles
      alltri = 0
      isoscl = 0
      equila = 0
      acute = 0
      obtuse = 0
      righta = 0
C Loop over all combinations of 3 points
      do 100 k1 = 1, n3-2
      x1 = x(k1)
      y1 = y(k1)
      z1 = z(k1)
      do 200 k2 = k1+1, n3-1
      x2 = x(k2)
      y2 = y(k2)
      z2 = z(k2)
      d12 = (x2-x1)**2 + (y2-y1)**2 + (z2-z1)**2
      do 300 k3 = k2+1, n3
      x3 = x(k3)
      y3 = y(k3)
      z3 = z(k3)
      d23 = (x2-x3)**2 + (y2-y3)**2 + (z2-z3)**2
      d31 = (x1-x3)**2 + (y1-y3)**2 + (z1-z3)**2
C will later be corrected to eliminate "3 aligned points"
      alltri = alltri + 1
C Sort side lengths such that dmi<=dmid<=dma
      dsum = d12 + d23 + d31
      dmi = min ( d12, d23, d31 )
      dma = max ( d12, d23, d31 )
      dmid = dsum - dmi - dma
C sum of squares of 2 shortest sides
      dcom = dmi + dmid
C compare with square of longest side
      if ( dma .ge. dcom ) then
C Triangle is either obtuse or right angle
C logical needle indicates the degenerate case "3 in a line"
        needle = .false.
        if ( dma .eq. dcom ) then
          righta = righta + 1
C Check for 3 points in a line
          needle = abs(( sqrt(float(dma)) -
     &               sqrt(float(dmi)) - sqrt(float(dmid)) )) .lt. 0.01
          if ( .not. needle ) obtuse = obtuse + 1
        if ( needle ) then
C not counted as triangle
          alltri = alltri - 1
        elseif ( dmi .eq. dmid ) then
          isoscl = isoscl + 1
        acute = acute + 1
        if ( dma .eq. dmid ) isoscl = isoscl + 1
      if ( dma .eq. dmi ) equila = equila + 1
300   continue
200   continue
100   continue
      write(*,*) ' n=', n
      write(*,*) ' alltri:', alltri, ' /4=',  alltri/4.0D0
      write(*,*) ' isoscl:', isoscl, ' /4=', isoscl/4.0D0
      write(*,*) ' equila:', equila, ' /8=', equila/8.0D0
      write(*,*) ' acute: ', acute, ' /4=', acute/4.0D0
      write(*,*) ' obtuse:', obtuse, ' /4=', obtuse/4.0D0
      write(*,*) ' righta:', righta, ' /12=', righta/12.0D0

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