graph theory

Emeric Deutsch deutsch at
Sat Jan 8 00:56:50 CET 2005

Dear seqfans,
In view of submitting new sequences to OEIS, I'd like to pick the 
brain of graph theorists.

Let G be a graph with n vertices. By the ciliation of G we mean 
the graph obtained from G by joining n new vertices to the n 
vertices of G, respectively. 

For example, a path graph becomes a "comb". 

My first question: is "ciliation" a good term for this new graph? 
Any suggestions?

My second question: can one improve on the wording of "the graph
obtained from G by joining n new vertices to the n vertices of G,
respectively" ?   

Many thanks and Happy 2005.

P.S. The second graph (the ciliation of G) is an "equible" graph 
in the terminology of Farrell-Kennedy-Quintas-Wahid.

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