PS re google

Michele Dondi blazar at
Thu Jan 20 10:47:37 CET 2005

On Tue, 4 Jan 2005, N. J. A. Sloane wrote:

> By the way, i should say in my defense that the reason the improvements
> did not work was (I believe) caused by the following problem with Unix.
> If you try to execute
>     ls oeis* | ...
> and there are too many files oeis*, you get an error message
>     Arg list too long

Indeed it's not the 'ls oesi*' part that is causing any problem, but the 
'...' one. This is why in these situations it's customary to do

   ls oeis* | while read f; do ...; done

that reads line by line (if that is applicable - and I think so).

> Your right, I didn't think of that at all, but still, who's gonna go into
> the temp internet folder and create a cookie? At least not most users.
Of course *most* users aren't going to do that.  *Most* users aren't
trying to hack your site!  You don't program securely for *most* users -
you program securely for the few users who *are* trying to be malevolent.
- Paul Lalli in clpmisc, "Re: free source authentication script"

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