Colin Mallows's problems

N. J. A. Sloane njas at
Fri Jun 10 16:23:39 CEST 2005

My former colleague Colin Mallows sent me this:

   You asked for problems.     I would very much like to know the answers 
to the following two; they may have been done by someone, but I don't 
think they are in the OEIS.

  A039622 gives the number of ways of filling an nxn matrix with the integers 
1:n^2 so that each row and column is in increasing order.    What about a 
mxn matrix?     (for 2xn we get the Catalan numbers).

  For each m,n, how many of these arrangments can be realised as the ordering 
of numbers of the form x_i + y_j?

   Colin Mallows (colinm at

If any seqfans get interested in these questions,
please send me copies of any emails.  - Neil Sloane

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