A064539 All...are divisible by 3 but why?

zak seidov zakseidov at yahoo.com
Fri Jun 24 09:25:22 CEST 2005

 Simon Nickerson, David Wilson
 and all you seqfan gurus,

 thanks a lot for amazingly 
 prompt (and clear) replies.
 I was so much sure that 
 it's trivial (though not known to me), 
 that i submitted A109216, 
 (see partucularly %C line),
 thanks again, zak

%I A109216
%S A109216 
%N A109216 Smallest factor of 2^(2n+1)+(2n+1)^2.
%C A109216 For

we have the only  primes of the form
2^(2n+1)+(2n+1)^2: A064539. Cases 
2n+1 == 1,2 (mod 3) are trivial and may be omitted.
%t A109216
%Y A109216 A064539, A109215.
%O A109216 0
%K A109216 ,base,nice,nonn,
%A A109216 Zak Seidov (zakseidov at yahoo.com), Jun 24

--- Simon Nickerson <simonn at for.mat.bham.ac.uk> wrote:

> On Thu, 23 Jun 2005, zak seidov wrote:
> > Dear seqfans,
> > A064539= (*Numbers n such that 2^n+n^2 is
> >
> > except first are divisible by 3 but why? zak
> Let f(n) = 2^n+n^2. Each integer n can be written
> uniquely as n=6k+l with
> 0<=l<=5.
> f(n) = f(6k+l)
>      = 2^(6k+l) + (6k+l)^2
>      = 4^k 2^l + l^2 (mod 6)
> Now if k>1, then 4^k = 4 (mod 6) (4*4=16=4 (mod 6),
> then use induction),
> so the residue of f(6k+l) mod 6 is 4,3,2,5,2,3 for
> l=0..5. If k=1, then
> the residues turn out to be 1,3,2,5,2,3.
> Now if p>3 is prime, then p is congruent to 1 or 5
> modulo 6. It is clear
> that f(n)>3 if n>1. So if f(n) is prime, n must be
> equal to 1 or congruent
> to 3 modulo 6 (i.e. odd and divisible by 3).
> -- 
> | Simon Nickerson           
> http://web.mat.bham.ac.uk/S.Nickerson
> | simonn at maths.bham.ac.uk                    School
> of Mathematics
> |                                     The University
> of Birmingham
> |_________________________________   Edgbaston,
> Birmingham B15 2TT

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