Repeated sequences

Robert G. Wilson v rgwv at
Wed May 4 21:29:04 CEST 2005


	My Calculus classes told me that there are seven indeterminate forms. They being: 
  0/0,  inf/inf,  0*inf,  inf-inf,  0^0,  inf^0 &  1^inf.  The undefined forms 
are: a/0 and 0^-inf.


Joshua Zucker wrote:

> Apparently seqfans also have a bit of disagreement over whether 0^0 =
> 1 or 0 or undefined! That seems to be the reason for the three
> different sequences (the third being A062970).
> --Joshua Zucker
> On 5/4/05, Ignacio Larrosa Cañestro <ilarrosa at> wrote:
>>The sequences A001923 and A101335 are identicall.
>>Best regards,
>>Ignacio Larrosa Cañestro
>>A Coruña (España)
>>ilarrosa at

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