Could someone compute a few more terms for A006128 ?

Thomas Baruchel baruchel at
Tue Nov 8 15:15:55 CET 2005

On Mar, nov 08, 2005 at 12:06:01 +0100, Thomas Baruchel wrote:
> working on the complexity of some function in a library I am currently
> writing, I would like to have A006128 up to n=48 (or more ;-)
> I have written a piece of code, but it quickly becomes very slow.
> Could someone post on seqfan (and add to the database) a few more terms ?

Thank you to everybody. This sequence is closely related to the complexity
of an algorithm I had implemented using the Faa di Bruno formula. Since
it quicly becomes very slow, I chose something else (see my other post
if you are interested by the project I am currently coding in C with

Thomas Baruchel
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