Faire suivre : Rép. : Corrected Re: a puxxle

Mohammed BOUAYOUN Mohammed.BOUAYOUN at sanef.com
Fri Apr 14 10:31:27 CEST 2006

whe have :
a : 1  3   8    18
        X    89  189

Than X = 38  = 3*10 + 8

The initial sequence is 1 3 8

X = a*10 +(8 if a odd or 9 if a even)

18 = 1*10 + 8
38 = 3*10 + 8
89 = 8*10 + 9
189 = 18*10 + 9

Than the sequence is 1,3,8,18,38,89,189,389,898,1898,3898,8988

> At 11:00 PM 4/13/2006, N. J. A. Sloane wrote:
>>Dear Seqfans:
>>Someone just sent this in.  I gave it an A-number.  But I can't
>>add it to the OEIS until the missing term is filled in. Any ideas?
>>The differences are suggestive
>>%I A117713
>>%S A117713 1,3,8,18,__,89,189
>>%N A117713 This sequence was a question on a civil service test a
>>of mine took. They had to fill in the blank number. Is there an
answer to 
>>%O A117713 0,2
>>%K A117713 nonn
>>%A A117713 Louis Ciotti (lciotti(AT)twcny.rr.com), Apr 13 2006

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