A121068 : all terms are multiples of 3.

zak seidov zakseidov at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 11 14:32:20 CEST 2006

8*(3m + 1)^2 + 7 = 3*( 5 + 16*m + 24*m^2)
8*(3m + 2)^2 + 7 = 3*(13 + 32*m + 24*m^2)
that is, in A121068,
all terms  should be multiples of 3.

%I A121068 
%S A121068 
%N A121068 Numbers n such that 8*n^2 + 7 is prime. 
%C A121068 All the terms in this series appears to be
a multiple of 3. 
%e A121068 If n=135 then 8*n^2 + 7 = 145807 (prime). 
%Y A121068 Cf. A007522. 
%K A121068 nonn,new 
%O A121068 0,2 
%A A121068 Parthasarathy Nambi
(PachaNambi(AT)yahoo.com), Aug 10 2006 

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