numbers that are concatenation of its distinct prime divisors

Tanya Khovanova tanyakh at
Sat Aug 26 02:18:16 CEST 2006

Hello seqfans,

Numbers that are concatenations of its distinct prime divisors should be a subsequence of 

A096595 Numbers n with the property that n is an anagram of the digits of the distinct prime factors ofn.
	735, 3792, 7236, 17482, 19075, 19276, 32104, 42175, 104392, 107329, 123678, 145273, 149782, 174082, 174298, 174982, 237951, 297463, 319675, 457192, 459728, 639175, 840175, 1093672, 1236874, 1259473, 1268374, 1283746, 1286374, 1374682

Out of these numbers only the first two (735 and 3792) are the concatenations of its distinct prime divisors.

Do you know any more numbers like this?


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