interesting graph theory question from Warren Smith

N. J. A. Sloane njas at
Tue Aug 29 21:00:55 CEST 2006

%I A120366
%S A120366 0,0,0,1,1,3,5,7
%N A120366 Max_{Directed graphs G with n nodes} minimal number of arcs that must be removed to make G acyclic.
%C A120366 The next entry is either 8,9 or 10 (I suspect 10) and the following one is either 12,13 or 14.
%F A120366 Always strictly increasing (except for the initial part), and (n-5)^2 / 6 <= a(n) <= (n-1)^2 / 4 .
%O A120366 0,6
%K A120366 nonn,more
%A A120366 Warren D. Smith (warren.wds(AT), Aug 29 2006


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