Why sequences disappear?

N. J. A. Sloane njas at research.att.com
Fri Aug 4 13:20:02 CEST 2006

There is a second answer to this question:

(Tanya said:
I submitted several sequences recently. They appeared in the database, then they disappeared. 
Why could this happen?

Sequernce fans should know about a file called "dexhis".
This can be found by following the link at the foot of
the OEIS which said "More Pages"
and then "All files".

dexhis gives a record of sequences that have been deleted, merged or renumbered

A typical entry says

A056432 (Jones) rifo A005566

meaning that sequence A056432 sent in by Jones has been
"retired in favor of" A005566

The usual reason is that A056432 turned out to be the same
as an existing sequence and I merged the two entries.

Often Jones had made a mistake in his computation,
or had submitted the same sequence on two different days,
of had started the sequence with a leading 0 or 1 while A005566
did not.


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