[SequencesForFun] Re: The OEIS will be on holiday for the rest of the year!

Alexandre Wajnberg alexandre.wajnberg at skynet.be
Mon Jan 9 17:43:55 CET 2006

> Also it may be interesting how you came up with the sequence. Eg., in a
> dream, at work, the news, etc. This would imply you are not "contriving."

Not always: working on a problem, the solution may come later on, while
walking, dreaming etc. So, the circumstance in which you find a sequence is
interesting but doesn't say about the "contriveness".
BTW, I think certain types of contriveness ("to sit down etc") are ok when
they lead to new ideas, instead of other numeric variations on a fixed idea.

> I often come up with concoctions not important nor interesting to many
> to find out about 90% of the time the sequence is already out there.

If you arrive to an existing sequence, coming from an entirely different
point of view, this is interesting. And may give an interesting comment to
the existing sequence.

> Then on the other hand I do come up with some goodies. The only "nice"
> sequences I have ever come up with were already in the data base. It is
interesting in this re-invention process we find different ways to generate an
existing sequence. I think sequences like that are interesting.

Yes ...and again your reasoning to rediscover it. (then again a Comment may
be worth to be added. Ex: A000217, triangular numbers: a dozen and a half
*different* ways to come to this sequence.)


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