A124057 is subset of A045940

zak seidov zakseidov at yahoo.com
Mon Nov 6 00:51:18 CET 2006

Just submitted:

My Q to seqfans:
Really, there are no numbers n such that n, n+1, n+2
and n+3 are products of 6 primes?
No for n<7258290.
Thanks, Zak

%I A124728
%S A124728
%N A124728 Numbers n such that n, n+1, n+2 and n+3 are
products of 4 primes.
%C A124728 Subset of A045940  Numbers n such that
factorizations of n through n+3 have same number of
primes (including multiplicities).
Cf. A124057, A124729  Numbers n such that n, n+1, n+2
and n+3 are products of exactly 3,5 primes. 
There are no numbers n such that n, n+1, n+2 and n+3
are products of exactly 6 primes(?)
%e A124728 4023=3^3*149, 4024=2^3*503, 4025=5^2*7*23,
4026=2*3*11*61 (all products of 4 primes).
%Y A124728 A045940, A124057, A124729.
%O A124728 1
%K A124728 ,nonn,
%A A124728 Zak Seidov  (zakseidov at yahoo.com), Nov 05

%I A124729
%S A124729
%N A124729 Numbers n such that n, n+1, n+2 and n+3 are
products of 5 primes.
%C A124729 Subset of A045940  Numbers n such that
factorizations of n through n+3 have same number of
primes (including multiplicities).
Cf. A124057, A124728  Numbers n such that n, n+1, n+2
and n+3 are products of exactly 3,4 primes. 
There are no numbers n such that n, n+1, n+2 and n+3
are products of exactly 6 primes(?)
%e A124729 57967=7^3*13^2, 57968=2^4*3623,
57969=3^3*19*113, 57970=2*5*11*17*31 (all product of 5
primes (including multiplicities)};
632148 is the first number such that n through n+4 are
5-almost primes.
%Y A124729 A045940, A124057, A124728.
%O A124729 1
%K A124729 ,nonn,
%A A124729 Zak Seidov  (zakseidov at yahoo.com), Nov 05

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