
Giovanni Resta g.resta at iit.cnr.it
Tue Nov 14 14:40:49 CET 2006

kohmoto wrote:
> Hi, Seqfans
> An exhaustive search of A036471 with a computer up to 10^7 is almost
> impossible.
Here it is the result of an exhaustive search
with a computer up to 10^7, in the format
sigma -> {a,b,c,d} (with a,b,c,d<10^7)

13927680 -> {3270960, 3361680, 3461040, 3834000}
16248960 -> {3767400, 4090320, 4150440, 4240800}
19498752 -> {4651920, 4839120, 4918320, 5089392}
21228480 -> {4969440, 5116320, 5475960, 5666760}
24373440 -> {5682600, 5831280, 5920200, 6939360}
24998400 -> {5405400, 6029100, 6421800, 7142100}
27855360 -> {6514200, 6640200, 6768720, 7932240}
28304640 -> {6126120, 6541920, 7559640, 8076960}
28304640 -> {6126120, 6922080, 7280280, 7976160}
29030400 -> {6320160, 6902280, 7685496, 8122464}
29030400 -> {6977880, 7087080, 7227360, 7738080}
29877120 -> {7013160, 7436520, 7688520, 7738920}
29998080 -> {6819120, 7327320, 7715400, 8136240}
29998080 -> {6966960, 7054320, 7840560, 8136240}
32497920 -> {7706160, 7722000, 7948080, 9121680}
33022080 -> {7731360, 7852320, 8125920, 9312480}
33868800 -> {7469280, 8157240, 8873760, 9368520}
33868800 -> {7469280, 8157240, 9098460, 9143820}

Note that there are values which admit more than one quadruple,
and there are also quadruples which share 1 or 2 common values.

Here are some larger quadruples, but now there can be some
missing among these, because here I used an heuristic.

{8353800, 8920800, 10063200, 10159800}
{8288280, 9360540, 9830520, 10260180}
{8316000, 8759520, 10260180, 10403820}
{9258480, 9621360, 9661680, 10455984}
{9009000, 10174500, 10521000, 11179980}
{10048500, 10174500, 10188360, 10473120}
{9840600, 10098000, 10914120, 10930320}
{9923760, 10316880, 10747440, 10794960}
{9563400, 10085040, 11241720, 11964240}
{9646560, 10667160, 11502540, 11729340}
{9767520, 11202840, 11217960, 11357280}
{9828000, 10796940, 11362680, 12041820}
{10417680, 10538640, 10979280, 13061520}
{10450440, 11614680, 11802420, 13306860}
{10450440, 12179160, 12204360, 12340440}

etc.etc. (program is running).

Giovanni Resta

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