Trees with Labeled Nodes that form Permutation of Positive Integers

franktaw at franktaw at
Thu Nov 16 18:59:28 CET 2006

I don't know Maple well enough - or have enough time - to tell: does 
this keep each path separately, or does it keep a count of the number 
of paths with a given set of integers on the path?

The latter approach should be much faster and less memory intensive, 
once you get past the first few generations.  (Probably still 
exponential, though.)

Franklin T. Adams-Watters

-----Original Message-----
From: mathar at


Maple V:

gen := proc(parents,maxgen,ocounts,lvl)
    local thislbl,lbl,childlbl,counts,npar ;
    counts := ocounts ;
    counts[lvl] := counts[lvl]+1 ;
    if nops(parents) < maxgen then
        thislbl := op(-1,parents) ;
        childlbl := 1 ;
        for lbl from 1 to thislbl do
            while ( childlbl in parents ) or ( childlbl = thislbl ) do
                childlbl := childlbl+1 ;
            od ;
            npar := [op(parents),childlbl] ;
            # this would generate a full list of all paths:
            # print("route",npar) ;
            if nops(counts) < lvl+1 then
                counts := [op(counts),0] ;
            fi ;
            counts := gen(npar,maxgen,counts,lvl+1) ;
            childlbl := childlbl+1 ;
        od ;
    fi ;
    # this produces a snapshot of the counts accumulated so far:
    # if the current node creation level is not too high, print it...
    if lvl <= maxgen -3 then
        print(counts) ;
    fi ;
    RETURN(counts) ;

# Edit the maximum number run time probably grows 
# with the number chosen here.
maxgen := 8 ;
parents := [1,2] ;
n := [1,0] ;
gen(parents,maxgen,n,2) ;
print(%) ;

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