Re^2: OEIS down?

Richard Mathar mathar at
Sun Oct 29 22:50:25 CET 2006

mlb> From seqfan-owner at  Sun Oct 29 17:13:40 2006
mlb> Date: Sun, 29 Oct 2006 08:12:00 -0800
mlb> To: seqfan at
mlb> From: Marc LeBrun <mlb at>
mlb> Subject: Re: OEIS down?
mlb> ..
mlb> The only thing eMailing the internal format loses is the congeniality 
mlb> of the web form.  Hmm... come to think of it, it shouldn't be to hard 
mlb> to make a little Java program that seqfans would run *locally* (ie on 
mlb> their client machine, not the OEIS server), that would wrap the form 
mlb> fields with the internal formatting and eMail it to the OEIS, CCing 
mlb> whoever you want.  Anyone out there interested in hacking something like this?

I've attached a Java wrapper for this task. Use documentation is in the
comments at the begin of the source code. Feedback is welcome.
(Would it be useful to convert comments in b-files into %C lines?)

Note that a shell script to test the line length could be like this

#!/bin/csh -f
# print lines of the standard input that are longer
# than 72 characters. Tabulator characters are expanded
# and counted according to the standard tabulator settings.
# mathar at, 20 Nov 95.
expand $* | awk 'length > 80 { print NR,$0}'

Richard J Mathar                Tel (+31) (0) 71 527 8459
2300 RA Leiden                  E-mail mathar at
The Netherlands                 URL
-------------- next part --------------
import java.lang.* ;
import java.util.* ;
import java.math.* ;
import* ;

/** Convert a OEIS b-text file into the tagged 
* internal format.
* It is recommended to add your standard OEIS name and e-mail address
* between the two quotation marks below, where the variables myName
* and myEmail are assigned to empty strings, before compilation.
* javac
* java btxt2oeis [-m] [Anumber] < b.txt > ...
* If the option '-m' is used, UNIX mail(1) commands are added to the
* standard output. The default is not to do this.
* If a number is added at the end of the command line, this is
* used as the OIES sequence number. The default is 1 as for new submissions.
* The standard input, as indicated above in the UNIX way of re-directing
* a file, is supposed to be of the b-file format. Lines starting with white
* space followed by the sharp (#) are ignored. Blank lines are also ignored.
* All other lines are supposed to contain the index and the number separated
* by white space...
* Complaints from within the program are sent to stderr.
* java btxt2oeis 45 < primes.txt
* java btxt2oeis -m < b.txt
* The interface currently does not check that the sequence of first
* numbers in the standard input file is monotonic increasing.
* Submissions with two or less lines of approximately 80
* characters are punished by rising the "more" flag.
* @since 2006-10-29
* @author Richard J. Mathar
class btxt2oeis
	String myName = "" ;
	String myEmail = "" ;

	/** The sequence of the integers */
	Vector<BigInteger> a ;

	/** the offset number */
	int offs ;

	/** the offset information for the first term >= 2 */
	int offs2 ;

	/** The OEIS sequence number */
	int Anumb ;

	boolean flagMore ;
	boolean flagNonn ;
	boolean mail ;

	/** the maximum line length for the output lines */
	final int outLLen = 80 ;

	/** Constructor
	btxt2oeis(int A,boolean mailx)
		a = new Vector() ;
		Anumb=A ;
		mail=mailx ;

		/** no default for the offset */
		offs = 0x7fffffff ;

		flagMore = true ;
		flagNonn = true ;

		if ( myName.length() == 0)
			myName = System.getProperty("") ;
		if ( myEmail.length() == 0)
			myEmail = System.getProperty("") ;
				myEmail = myEmail.concat("(AT)"+System.getenv("DOMAINNAME")) ;
			catch(Exception e)

	* @param num
	public void addInt(String num)
		BigInteger n = new BigInteger(num) ;
		a.add(n) ;
		if ( n.compareTo(BigInteger.ZERO) == -1)
			flagNonn =false ;

	/** Check which term is first larger or equal to zero
	* @return the second offset number for the %O lines
	int first2()
		for(int i=0; i < a.size() ; i++)
			if( a.elementAt(i).abs().compareTo(BigInteger.ONE) == 1)
				return(i+1) ;
		return(1) ;

	/** Print the formatted output to stdout.
	public void print()
		Formatter formatter = new Formatter(Locale.US) ;
		formatter.format("A%06d",Anumb) ;

		if( mail)
			System.out.print("~s ") ;
			if( Anumb == 1)
				System.out.println("NEW SEQUENCE from "+myName) ;
				System.out.println("COMMENT ON A"+formatter.toString()) ;
			System.out.println("~c "+System.getProperty("")) ;

		System.out.println("%I "+formatter.toString()) ;
		System.out.println("%C "+formatter.toString()) ;

		int linSTU = 0 ;

		/** Free space for the formatted output: outLLen minus
		* 2 bytes for the EndNote flag, 1 for the blank, 7 for the Axxxxxx, 1 for the blank, reserved
		* yields outLLen minus 11.
		String thisl = new String() ;
		/* S, T, U lines for absolute values */
		for(int i=0; i < a.size() && linSTU<3 ; i++)
			String rep = a.elementAt(i).abs().toString() ;
			if( thisl.length()+1+rep.length() <= outLLen-11)
				if( thisl.length() == 0 )
					thisl = rep ;
					thisl=thisl.concat(","+rep) ;
				thisl=thisl.concat(",") ;
				System.out.println("%"+(char)('S'+linSTU) + " "+formatter.toString() + " " +thisl) ;
				thisl=rep ;
				linSTU++ ;
			//System.out.println(""+a.elementAt(i)) ;
		System.out.println("%"+(char)('S'+linSTU)+" "+formatter.toString() + " " +thisl) ;

		/** Raise the 'more' flag if less than 2 lines of output had been filled*/
		flagMore = ( linSTU < 2) ;

		/* V, W, X lines for signed values */
		if ( flagNonn == false)
			linSTU = 0 ;
			thisl = new String() ;
			for(int i=0; i < a.size() && linSTU<3 ; i++)
				String rep = a.elementAt(i).toString() ;
				if( thisl.length()+1+rep.length() <= outLLen-11)
					if( thisl.length() == 0 )
						thisl = rep ;
						thisl=thisl.concat(","+rep) ;
					thisl=thisl.concat(",") ;
					System.out.println("%"+(char)('V'+linSTU) + " "+formatter.toString() + " " +thisl) ;
					thisl=rep ;
					linSTU++ ;
			System.out.println("%"+(char)('V'+linSTU)+" "+formatter.toString() + " " +thisl) ;

		System.out.print("%K "+formatter.toString()) ;
		if ( flagNonn)
			System.out.print(" nonn") ;
			System.out.print(" sign") ;
		if ( flagMore)
			System.out.print(",more") ;
		System.out.println() ;

		System.out.println("%O "+formatter.toString() + " " + offs+ ","+first2()) ;

		Date now = new Date() ;
		/* to do: date */
		System.out.println("%A "+formatter.toString() + " " + myName +" (" + myEmail + "), "+  now.toString()) ;

	public static void main(String [] args)
		BufferedReader d = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader( ;

		/** default for the sequence number is 1 */
		int A= 1 ;
		int argno =0 ;
		boolean mailx = false ;

		while ( argno < args.length )
			if ( args[argno].compareTo("-m") == 0 )
				mailx =true ;
				A = (new Integer(args[argno])).intValue() ;
			argno++ ;

		btxt2oeis oeis = new btxt2oeis(A,mailx) ;

		String line = d.readLine() ;
		while( line != null)
			/* remove leading and trailing white space in the line */
			line = line.trim() ;

			* Lines of the standard input that start with any or no white space
			* followed by the hash and optionally more characters are ignored
			* (comment lines)
			if( line.matches("(\\s)*#.*") )
			* lines of white space are ignored on input.
			else if( line.matches("(\\s)*") )
			else if ( line.matches("[+-]?(\\d)+(\\s)+[+-]?(\\d)+") )
				/* two signed numbers separated by white space ...*/
				String [] twonu = line.split("(\\s)+",2) ;

				/* use the first as the offset (if not yet done) */
				Integer n=new Integer(twonu[0]) ;
				if (n.intValue() < oeis.offs)
					oeis.offs = n.intValue() ;

				/* add the 2nd of these to the sequence */
				oeis.addInt(twonu[1]) ;
				System.err.println("ill-formatted " + line) ;
			line = d.readLine() ;

		oeis.print() ;

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