A088460, A088463 edits

franktaw at netscape.net franktaw at netscape.net
Thu Oct 26 21:16:00 CEST 2006

These look good to me.

You should remove the "uned" keyword - you just edited them - and 
append a line like:

%E A088460 Edited and corrected by David W. Wilson 
(davidwwilson(AT)comcast.net) Oct 26 2006

The "and corrected" part applies only to A088460; you didn't correct 
the numbers in A088463.

Franklin T. Adams-Watters

-----Original Message-----
From: davidwwilson at comcast.net

Here are my corrected and cleaned up versions of A088460 and A088463 
for the editors' approval.

I have gotten rid of the "twipls" and "twipus" names. IMHO, unless 
these sequences become the center of serious research, the OEIS 
A-numbers will do.

I have reindexed the sequences starting at 1. This seems to be the 
natural indexing for these sequences, especially in light of the 

I have added formulas.

I have replaced voluminous comments with shorter ones that are 
effectively equivalent.

%I A088460
%S A088460 
%T A088460 
%U A088460 
%N A088460 Lower twin primes of lower twin prime index
%F A088460 A001359(A001359(n))
%C A088460 a(n) == 5 (mod 6)
%o A088460 (PARI) a(k) = { for(x1=1,k, print1(twinl(twinl(x1))",") ) } 
twinl(n) = { c=0; x=1; while(c<n, if(isprime(prime(x)+2),c++); x++; ); 
return(prime(x-1)) }
%Y A088460 A001359
%K A088460 nonn,uned
%O A088460 1,1
%A A088460 Cino Hilliard (hillcino368(AT)hotmail.com), Nov 12 2003 

%I A088463
%S A088463 
%T A088463 
%U A088463 
%N A088463 Upper twin primes of upper twin prime index
%F A088463 A006512(A006512(n))
%C A088463 a(n) == 1 (mod 6)
%o A088463 (PARI) a(k) = { for(x1=1,k, y1=twinu(twinu(x1)); 
print1(y1",") ) } twin(n) = { c=0; x=1; while(c<n, 
if(isprime(prime(x)+2),c++); x++; ); return(prime(x)) }
%Y A088460 A001359
%K A088463 nonn,uned
%O A088463 1,1
%A A088463 Cino Hilliard (hillcino368(AT)hotmail.com), Nov 12 2003

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