b-files for sequences

N. J. A. Sloane njas at research.att.com
Fri Sep 1 04:55:06 CEST 2006

The b-files give many more terms than there is room
for in the %S,%T,%U,%V,%W,%X lines

In the past, when people sent in additional terms
for a sequence, if there were more than 3 lines worth, 
I had to discard the extra terms.

I have now modified my editing program (jeeves.sh,
which processes Comments and New Sequences sent in via the web form),
so that if there are a lot of additional terms, it will (at my
discretion) create a b-file.

I will only do this if the sequence seems interesting
and if there are a LOT more terms than will fit in %S etc lines

There are now over 800 b-files.  I would like to thank all
the people who have contributed them.  Tony Noe has been
especially helpful in this regards.

Further b-files are welcome.


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