Typo in A074473

Tautócrona tautocrona at terra.es
Mon Sep 11 19:59:43 CEST 2006

Hi all!

I've got a couple of comments to seq A074473 that supposedly is

"Number of iteration that first becomes smaller than the initial value if Collatz-function
(A006370) is iterated; a(1)=0 since no decrease is possible during iteration.
0, 2, 7, 2, 4, 2, 12, 2, 4, 2...

First of all, in the literature this function is called the "stopping time function"
(look, for example,
http://www.cecm.sfu.ca/organics/papers/lagarias/paper/html/node2.html ), maybe we could
add this name to its description.

Second, strangely the author considers that the first value of the trajectory of n, i.e.,
n itself, is actually _the first iteration_ of the Collatz-function. I don't agree with
this; as far as I know, n is usually considerated the zeroth iteration, and g^k(n) the
k-th one, if g(n) is the Collatz function (so that g^0(n) = id(n) ). Then, all the numbers
in the sequence have an undesired offset of 1 unit, except the first one, because the
first iteration is that produced by g(n), and not by g^0(n).

I think we should change it... I near contributed the same sequence! (substracting one, of

Regards. Jose Brox
ambroxius at terra.es
MSN Messenger: artifex_ad_infinitum2 at hotmail.com

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