Classification of prime numbers : need help

reismann at reismann at
Wed Sep 27 19:13:18 CEST 2006


First of all, I apologize for my approximate English.
I recently developed a classification of prime numbers. I am not a professional
mathematician and my work is experimental. To make simple, classification rests
on a decomposition of the prime numbers:
p(n) = weight * level + gap or
This decomposition is unique for a p(n).
Then it is a question of making classifications or groupings with constant jump,
constant level, constant weight or constant weights and jump... The majority of
my sequences result from these classifications besides. I can declare an
infinity of sequences on the OEIS. It is obviously not my goal and I preferred
to make a Web site to present my work and data:
The goal of this mall is to obtain returns, exchanges, comments, criticisms and
By hoping that this mailing list can help me to advance, I wish you a good day.
Remi Eismann

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