one version of the "top 300" sequences (very long message)

Ralf Stephan ralf at
Mon Sep 11 08:14:54 CEST 2006

BTW, if you have a Linux/Un*x system and the full OEIS, you can achieve
such listings (without awk) using scripts like the following, excerpted
from my eis/Makefile:

	grep -h '%K.*tab' eisBTfry* >tabs 

tabllist: tabs
	rm -f tabllist
	for i in `cat tabs|grep tabl|sed 's/%. \(A......\).*/\1/g'|sort|uniq` ; do echo $$i ; grep -h "%. $$i" eisBTfry* >>tabllist ; done

Now 'make tabllist' gives me a text file with all table sequences.


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