request for sequences: sum-of-[prime-]factors in other arithmetics

sven-h.simon sven-h.simon at
Wed Sep 20 18:03:30 CEST 2006


these values match with those I calculated for the test of my program.


> It works as before, but discards any factor -1, I, or -I.
> sogpfr[n_] := Total[Times @@@ Select[FactorInteger[n, GaussianIntegers
> -> True], !MemberQ[{-1, I, -I}, #[[1]]] &]];
> For n=2..20 it gives the following values:
> {2 + 2*I, 3, 4 + 4*I, 3 + 3*I, 5 + 2*I, 7, 6 + 6*I, 6, 5 + 5*I, 11, 7 +
> 4*I, 5 + 5*I, 9 + 2*I, 6 + 3*I, 8 + 8*I, 5 + 5*I, 8 + 2*I, 19, 7 + 7*I}

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