request for help in understanding a new sequence (163 line message)

Max A. maxale at
Wed Sep 27 04:16:03 CEST 2006

On 9/26/06, Max A. <maxale at> wrote:

> For example, the 0-th row obviously contains all prime numbers.
> In general, the x-th row contains all numbers n>2x such that n-x does
> not have divisors d with x < d < n-x. In other words, if p is the
> smallest prime divisor of n-x then (n-x)/p <= x.

I must have said that the last statement is true for x>=1.
Yet another reformulation:
The x-th row (x>=1) consists of 2x+1 and positive integers n>2x+1 such
that the smallest prime divisor of n-x is greater or equal to (n-x)/x
= n/x - 1.


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