a property of multisets: unit fractions with a twist

Maximilian Hasler maximilian.hasler at gmail.com
Tue Dec 18 19:45:03 CET 2007

thanks for your code.
I made some simplifications, and got a minor speedup
(might take us from 300 years down to 200 years...),
achieved in writing the body of the "big" fordiv() loop using several
... & next type statements.
(Note: loop variables are automatically local in PARI, so if you
declare them outside the loop with local(...) they are in fact
declared twice.)

To make it self contained, I completed for the case n=1 and n=2,
this does not take up many microseconds.

It can be seen that the function often calculates the same thing (for
a(6), the n=3 piece is done 344 times, but there are only 113
different results, and in 344-228 cases the result is 0 or 1). Thus,
it could be worth while implementing an (intelligent) "remember"
feature and/or some additional check.


A118085(n,p=2,q=1,cmin=0) = {
 local(cmax = floor(1 / (sqrtn(p / q, n) - 1)),
       count = 0, p2, q2, d, fmin);
 cmin = max( cmin, q \ (p - q) + 1);
 if (n==3,/* p*cur > q*(cur+1) <=> (p-q)cur>q <=> cur>=[ q/(p-q) ]+1 */
    for(cur = cmin, cmax, /* this ensures d > 0 */
       if( 1 < d = gcd( p2 = p*cur, q2 = q*(cur + 1)), p2\=d; q2\=d);
       d = p2 - q2;
       p2 *= q2;
       fmin = cur * d - q2;
       if (d > 1, /* else d==1 since we know d>0 */
         fordiv (p2, f,
           f < fmin & next; f * f > p2 & break;
           (f + q2) % d & next; (p2 / f + q2) % d | count++
       , /* here d==1 */
         count += numdiv(p2) \ 2;
         if (fmin > 1,
           fordiv (p2, f, f >= fmin & break; count-- )
    ); count
    if( n<3, 1 /* result for n=1 and n=2 */
    ,  sum( cur = cmin, cmax, A118085(n-1, p*cur, q*(cur+1), cur))

values of "count" calculated for a(6):

On Dec 18, 2007 6:45 AM,  <hv at crypt.org> wrote:
> hv at crypt.org wrote:
> :Using this approach, I calculate a(7) = 13005235 with the code below
> :(which takes 860 minutes on my computer - for comparison, a(6) takes
> :just under 12s).
> :
> :Given my track record so far on this, I would welcome confirmation. :)
> :
> :Further optimisations are possible [...]
> After trying a variety of them, and then converting the whole thing
> into PARI code (and then finding that under PARI the recursive version
> was after all faster than the stack-based version), the timings are now:
> ? print(A118085(6));
> 49513
> time = 1,711 ms.
> ? print(A118085(7));
> 13005235
> time = 2h, 19mn, 38,180 ms.
> Based on these timings and the dominant factor, I'd expect a(8) to take
> somewhere between 300 and 85000 CPU years on my machine.
> Hugo

"Maximilian Hasler" <maximilian.hasler at gmail.com> wrote:
:thanks for your code.
:I made some simplifications, and got a minor speedup

Excellent stuff. I have a longer reply to your comments, but I feel we
must be getting a bit boring for the rest of seqfan, so I'll send that


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