
koh zbi74583 at boat.zero.ad.jp
Thu Jan 11 05:53:48 CET 2007

    Hi, Seqfans.

    I submitted three sequences related with difference of divisors.

    Could anyone compute more terms?

    %I A000001
    %S A000001 1,1,2,1,4,0,6,1,5,2,10,0
    %N A000001 The smallest difference of divisors of n.

    %C A000001 If a(n)=p then a(n)=p-1. If a(n)=2^m then a(n)=1
    %e A000001 a(6)=1+2+3-6=0
    %Y A000001 A000002, A000003
    %K A000001 none
    %O A000001 1,3
    %A A000001 Yasutoshi Kohmoto   zbi74583 at boat.zero.ad.jp

    %I A000002    
    %S A000002 1,2,4,8,10,16,18,
    %N A000002 Numbers such that n=k*MiDi(n) for some integer k.
               Where MiDi(n)=A000001(n). MiDi is for "Minimal Difference of Divisors".
    %C A000002 2^m must appears on a(n).
    %Y A000002 A000001, A000003
    %K A000002 none
    %O A000002 1,2
    %A A000002 Yasutoshi Kohmoto   zbi74583 at boat.zero.ad.jp

    %I A000003
    %S A000003 1,2,4,8,5,16,3
    %N A000003 a(n) gives k numbers of A000002.
    %Y A000003 A000001, A000002
    %K A000003 none
    %O A000003 1,2
    %A A000003 Yasutoshi Kohmoto   zbi74583 at boat.zero.ad.jp


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