A034962 and A050207 can't both be correct

Jonathan Post jvospost3 at gmail.com
Sat Jan 27 01:22:32 CET 2007

Which of these, if either, is right, and which is wrong?

A034962 Primes which are the sum of three consecutive primes.
	23, 31, 41, 59, 71, 83, 97, 109, 131, 173, 199, 211, 223, 251, 269,
311, 349, 439, 457, 487, 503, 607, 661, 701, 829, 857, 883, 911, 941,
1033, 1049, 1061, 1151, 1187, 1229, 1249, 1303, 1367, 1381, 1409,
1433, 1493, 1511, 1553, 1667, 1867, 1931, 1973, 1993

A050207 Primes that are the sum of three consecutive primes.  	
	23, 29, 41, 47, 59, 97, 131, 137, 223, 283, 311, 317, 367, 389, 457,
563, 587, 607, 677, 743, 839, 857, 907, 929, 941, 947, 1031, 1049,
1093, 1283, 1303, 1453, 1489, 1847, 1867, 1913, 1931, 1993, 2027,
2347, 2381, 2441, 2477, 2579, 2617, 2657, 2729, 2749

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