Corrections and news regarding "Anyone for Twopins"

Rainer Rosenthal r.rosenthal at
Tue Jan 2 09:58:02 CET 2007

Sorry for mistakes in my enthusiastic posting yesterday.
The remarks between the dashed lines below were misplaced.
The following is correct. And I have added a nice extra
observation for A005252.

1.  A005251 is Twopins_t sequence for k=2.
    Recursion is given by "history vector" [1,1,0,1] and
    due to formula a(n) = 2*a(n-1)-a(n-2)+a(n-3) it has
    also the history vector [2,-1,1].
    A010901 is essentially the same sequence, built on [2,-1,1].

2.  A005252 is Twopins_t sequence for k=3.
    My interest in A010892 stems from this sequence.

             ***** Extra remark: *****

    The recursion a(n) = 2a(n-1)-a(n-2)+a(n-4) with
    history vector [2,-1,0,1] does apply not only
    to this sequence ... but also to the Fibonacci
    numbers! The difference lies in the start vector,
    which is [1,1,1,1] for A005252 and [0,1,1,2] for
    A00045, the Fibonacci numbers.

3.  A098574 is Twopins_t sequence for k=6.

Rainer Rosenthal
r.rosenthal at

P.S. How about the other SeqFan address  seqfan at
     Shall we use it? I think it doesn't work well :-(

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