a(n-2) | (a(n)+a(n-1)): only primes

Antti Karttunen antti.karttunen at gmail.com
Sun Jan 7 22:36:42 CET 2007

Peter Pein wrote:

>zak seidov schrieb:
>>Dear seqfans,
>>Anyone with C++ may wish to add more terms?
>>Thanks, Zak
>>%S A000001
>>%N A000001 a(1) =2 , a(2) = 3, a(n) = least prime such
>>that a(n-2) | (a(n)+a(n-1))
>>%A A000001 Zak Seidov  (zakseidov at gmail.com), Jan 07
>I do not understand, why a(3) = 5 > 3, because 2 | (3 + 3)
I think it's a hidden unconscious assumption we are all sometimes guilty 
of. In this case: "and different from the previous term".

-- Antti


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