Divisor d is the total number of divisors

Ray Chandler rayjchandler at sbcglobal.net
Mon Jul 23 18:31:23 CEST 2007

> Is this seq of interest? 
> If yes could someone check and compute a few more terms?
> 1,8,9,12,18,24,36,...
> > 
> Best,
> É.
Apparently a number of people thought so, see A033950.  (2 is also in the sequence).

>Is this seq of interest?
>If yes could someone check and compute a few more terms?
>Integers I having one divisor which is also the total number of divisors of I.
> 1 has 1 divisor which is 1
> 8 has 4 divs and 4 is one of them
> 9 has 3 divs and 3 is one of them
>12 has 6 divs and 6 is one of them
>18 has 6 divs and 6 is one of them
>24 has 8 divs and 8 is one of them
>36 has 9 divs and 9 is one of them
>30 is not a member because 30 has 8 divs but not 8 itself :

See A033950.


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