185 is special

Jon Schoenfield jonscho at hiwaay.net
Sat Jun 2 12:09:36 CEST 2007


<< << Which of the positive integers less than 10 (if any) do you see as 
having anything "special" about them?  >> >>

<< Zero and One, for obvious reasons.  >>

On those two, at least, the two of us agree.  :-)

But, for me, the list of "special" numbers would have to extend beyond Zero 
and One; for starters, I'd have to include Two.  As numbers (here in the 
sense of "positive integers") go, I'd say it's special in several ways! 

- smallest number that can be used as the base of a positional numeral 
- smallest prime number
- smallest number whose square root is irrational
- only factorial that is also prime
- largest number that is its own factorial

... 'just throwing in my (1+1) cents .... <g>

Thanks for writing,

-- Jon

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