Is 8795 especially uninteresting

Maximilian Hasler maximilian.hasler at
Sat Jun 9 02:28:21 CEST 2007

The quite uninteresting number 8795 is already in the sequence

A000027    The natural numbers.
A001477    The nonnegative integers.
A002262    Integers 0 to n followed by integers 0 to n+1 etc.
A004086    Read n backwards (referred to as R(n) in many sequences).
A005408    The odd numbers: a(n) = 2n+1.
A006257    Josephus problem: a(2n) = 2a(n)-1, a(2n+1) = 2a(n)+1. (I think)
A008587    Multiples of 5.
A008706   Coordination sequence for planar net.
A020652   Numerators in canonical bijection from positive integers to
positive rationals.
A038566   Numerators in canonical bijection from positive integers to
positive rationals <= 1
A049653   2*n-prevprime(2*n). (I think)
and many others. No need to construct artificially particularly weird
(or even "base") sequences to include it. It would also be:
the 5th in the sequence
Azzz : positive multiples of 1759,
the 3rd in the sequence
Ayyy : odd multiples of 1759,
and the first in the sequence
Axxx : common multiples of 5 and 1759
(= multiples of 1759 ending in 5, but this is "base" and thus prohibited).

No need to say why 1759 is special :  in about 200 OEIS sequences its
among the first 30 terms or so.


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