missing sequence? number of embeddings of planar graphs

Rainer Rosenthal r.rosenthal at web.de
Sat Mar 10 09:53:02 CET 2007

N. J. A. Sloane wrote:

> For example, this graph on 5 nodes has 2 embeddings,
> dpending on whether the two "whiskers" are on the same
> side of the triangle or not:
>          o
>         / \
>        o---o
>       /     \
>      o       o

Sorry for my question, but I don't get it:
If I put the right "whisker" somewhere else,
then there are not too many options. In fact I
can see only the option of connecting it to
the top of the letter A in your example.
But then again the two whiskers are on the same
side of the triangle.

Thanks for help.
Rainer Rosenthal
r.rosenthal at web.de

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