duplicate hunting, pt. 13

Russ Cox rsc at swtch.com
Thu May 10 05:35:20 CEST 2007

> I'd like to say
> that it's my long-standing feeling that
> search window in 
> http://www.research.att.com/~njas/sequences/ 
> isn't 100% safe.

Sequences with very similar A numbers might 
have been submitted both while the database
was missing the sequence and then both got

I doubt that is what happened with A077220,
since A077220 is almost five years old.

One thing to be careful of is when pasting
large amounts of sequence data into the
search box.  The search box has a maximum
length of 256 bytes and if you paste in sequence
data longer than that, it will be truncated,
often mid-number, producing a different sequence
than the one you are looking for.  I just did this
with the data from A077220 (highlight, copy, paste)
and it cut 58, 62, 74, 79, 57, ... to 58, 62, 74, 7.

I will change the box to have a bigger maximum,
something comfortably larger than the 3 lines of
sequence data.  Even so, be aware of this when
you search for large amounts of sequence data.

Except for errors like this, where what you think
you searched for isn't actually what the server
received, I'm pretty confident that the server is
returning correct results.


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