Sequences A120588 - A120607 : Formulas?

Max Alekseyev maxale at
Mon Nov 12 14:41:00 CET 2007

On Nov 12, 2007 3:06 AM, Paul D. Hanna <pauldhanna at> wrote:
> Seqfans,
>       Sequences  A120588 - A120607  are examples of
> solutions to functional equations of the form:
>     r*A(x) = c + b*x + A(x)^n
> I list the examples at the bottom of this message.

I suspect that the equations in all these examples is solvable in
radicals over R[x] with respect to A(x).
This is obviously true for n<=4 and I will check that for larger n.

> Can anyone find nice formulas for any of these sequences?

Having a closed form formula for A(x) will hopefully lead to an
explicit formula for its coefficients.


Dear Seqfans and associate editors:

1.  I have a backlog of Comments that stretches back for at least two weeks.
I hope to get cuaght up with everything this week.

I was caught up with New Sequences and PRE-Numbered submissions
as of Friday, roughly

2.  Over the weekend we had Firewall problems.
In fact these problems have been happening on and off
for the past two weeks.

When this happens emails may be lost.  Also submissions
via the web pages may be lost.

This weekend (Sat Nov 10, 17:00 to Sun Nov 11, 13:00, New York time)
the firewall was broken, and no email reached me.  But I was able to
recover all submissions via the web pages from the log files.

However, regular email to me in that period may have been lost.

As soon as I get caught up, I will send out another message saying:
"I am now caught up.  Please check that everything you submitted
appers in the OEIS."

But this will take several days.

Sorry about this.  It seems there is a bug in the Firewall
that is intermittent, and still not fixed!


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